Unit 1: Introduction to School Finance
Chapter 1. The Basics
Chapter 2. Revenue Basics
Chapter 3. Expenditure Basics
Unit 2: Local Revenues
Chapter 4. Property Taxes and Assessed Value
Chapter 5. State Property Tax Relief
Chapter 6. Earned Income Taxes
- 6.1 What are earned income taxes?
- 6.2 What is personal income and earned income?
- 6.3 How has personal and earned income changed over time?
- 6.4 What is the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages?
Chapter 7. Real Estate Transfer Taxes
Chapter 8. Delinquent Taxes
- 8.1 What are delinquent taxes?
Unit 3: State Revenues
Chapter 9. Basic Education Funding
Chapter 10. Special Education Funding
Chapter 11. Pupil Transportation Funding
Chapter 12. PSERS Contribution Reimbursement
Chapter 13. Social Security Contribution Reimbursement
Chapter 14. PLANCon State Funding
Unit 4: Federal Revenues
Chapter 15. Federal Title I Funding
Chapter 16. Federal CARES Act Funding
Chapter 17.
Unit 5: Mandated Costs
Chapter 19. Charter School Tuition
Chapter 20. Special Education Instruction and Support Services
- 20.1 What are special education services under IDEA?
- 20.2 What are special education instructional costs?
- 20.3 What are special education support services costs?
- 20.4 What reporting is required under Act 16?
- 20.5 What services and costs are provided by intermediate units?
Chapter 21. PSERS Contribution Costs
Unit 6: Personnel and Compensation Costs
Chapter 22. Personnel
- 22.1 What are the types of employees that school districts employ?
- 22.2 What are collective bargaining agreements?
- 22.3 What are professional personnel?
- 22.4 How many employees are involved in classroom instruction?
- 22.5 What are support personnel?
- 22.6 What types of personnel and services do school districts contract out to other entities?
Chapter 23. Employee Compensation
- 23.1 What are total compensation costs?
- 23.2 What are total salary costs?
- 23.3 What are minimum, average and maximum teacher salaries?
- 23.4 What are total benefit costs?
- 23.5 What are total social security, worker's compensation and unemployment costs?
- 23.6 What is professional development and total tuition reimbursement costs?
- 23.7 What are total retirement and pension costs?
- 23.8 What are total healthcare costs?
- 23.9 How do healthcare costs vary across school districts?
Unit 7: Operational Costs
Chapter 24. Pupil Transportation
- 24.1 What pupil transportation services are required under law?
- 24.2 What are in-house and contracted transportation services?
- 24.3 How many students are transportated?
- 24.4 How many vehicles transport students?
- 24.5 How many miles do vehicles travel transporting students each day?
- 24.6 What is the daily cost per vehicle?
Chapter 25. School Facilities
- 25.1 How are school facilities managed and maintained?
- 25.2 What are school facility maintainance costs?
- 25.3 What are school construction and renovation costs?
- 25.4 What are debt service costs?
- 25.5 What are school safety and security costs?
Unit 8: Equity and Adequacy
Chapter 26. School Financing Models
- 26.1 What are the different types of models financing public schools?
Chapter 27. Equity
Chapter 28. Adequacy